lördag 7 juli 2012

.... the coolest mount ever ...

I finally made it ... took some while and effort of the guild to get us there ... Glory of the Firelands Raider... but finally I got the coolest mount ever seen in the World of Warcraft history.

When not trying Dragon Soul bosses on Heroic we are doing Achievements for the other Cataclysm raids, BoT, BwD and Firelands, getting full group for raid is getting harder and harder as summer procedes.

Diablo III is also a common cause for not people signing for raids, most guilds are appearently experiensing this ... I'm no better than others even if I haven't been too active playing D3

Well ... while waiting for next expansion I guess I will be try to get my alts geared, my main some new achievements and my Demonhunter to level 60.

See you when summer ends

lördag 5 maj 2012

... trying the beta ...

... well, I finally gave up, let my curiosity rule and decided to use the beta invitation that comes with the annual pass. Partly for the new race/class and partly to see the coming features of my warlock. That was a hard decision to make though, since I think that part of the delight with new expansions are all the new features and changes, and now I kinda ruined that feeling regarding "MoP".

The first time was a chaotic laggy period with a LOT of little pandas running around, reminded me of the first weeks of Cataclysm, except without the hysterical PvP-elements with horde and alliance sharing the starting areas. I hate to admit it, as the horribly bad PvP player I am, but that spiced up the game. The monk is now lvl 12, a proud member of the Horde. Time to check out the warlock stuff.

Something I've noticed since last summer is that less and less warlocks are active, I am usually the only one in  LfR. There have been a couple of nerfs regarding warlocks during 2011 that periodically made us seem a hopeless class and I hope that in MoP we can regain some of our former glory. I guess I should probably concentrate on gearing up the other characters I have as other people seem to do, but this is my main and I refuse to put her on the shelf, so I struggle on.

söndag 1 april 2012

... memories it brings ...

were sitting and going through som old favourites on youtube and found this one ... still think it's awesome :)

Ulduar presented


... healing ... a new experience ...

From only having dps specs on my characters healing felt like a really hard nut to crack. 
I planned to learn the noble art of healing by starting a new char that I would lvl as a healer in dungeons. So there I go ... a fresh draenei priest clad in heirlooms would take me quickly to my goal ... and that went just fine until my son asked me if I planned to lvl a new char of every class I already had instead of using their dual spec to learn healing.
I had a lvl 85 priest, shammy and druid to choose between ... I went for Moirainie ... the druid.
First time I entered an dungeon dressed as a healer it gave me a cold sweat of nervousity ... noone wants be complete failure. It went quite OK and the LFG party kept me as a healer for another 5 heroics 'til I had to go ... so I guess I passed the test  :) 

During my healing adventure I have also experienced a new condition ... OOM ...  it was such a long time since my lox had that problem I guess I had forgot the look of an empty manabar, but probably it will sort it self out when I get to the higher spirits ... and yes ... I mean to lvl Tpau, my 38 draenei priest to 85.

TY for all your tips, Ehlana of Thunderhorn ... and welcome back to Azeroth !

Heal on

fredag 3 februari 2012

... and time passes ...

... Zenith of Alonsus is equal to progress ... Firelands with Raggiedoll cleared and the Neltharion the EarthWarder aka Deathwing in Dragon Soul has been defeated. DS on farm while waiting for next expansion. While enduring my poor loxies shortcomings I have been lvling both other classes and professions ... but I won't give up my main !!! Enianie, my bloodelf death knight with full Jewelcrafting has reached lvl 85 ... my draenei shammie Zandramas has changed both faction, realm and race ... nowadays you find her at Alonsus as Zerinda lvl 85 troll shaman. Nynaeive the shadow priest has also reached 85. Moirainie, lvl 85 worgen druid are clawing her way succesfully as a feral druid on Alonsus. Next project is getting my goblin rogue, belg pally and orc warrioress to 85 before next expansion. Been reading a lot of Warcraft lore during 2011 and my heart cries with Alextrazsa for the loss of Korialstrazs (Krasus for those who met him in Dalaran) and gratulations to Kalecgoz for becoming the aspect of the blue dragonflight.
... the Champions that fought at our side, assured the survival of our world ...but now we must see it with mortal eyes ... we dragonaspects have fulfilled our great purpose ... and our ancient power is exspended .. but though our day draws to an end .. life endures ... and new generations will be born ... todays victory belongs to all who stood against the shadow .. you are Azeroths true guardians and the future of this world is in your hands ... for the dawning of the age of mortals has begun ..

See and hear it here 
Dragon Soul Epilogue by Alextrazsa the Lifebinder
/Shin The Bane of Doom

fredag 19 augusti 2011

... soon back ... in black? ...

... but I think I've got a grip of my issues with both FPS (new PC incoming, should be mine in a week) and DPS, thanks to a fellow wlock in guild for all help !! Did try a couple of raids during the last 2 weeks (on my sons PC, he is back from summer holliday though so I guess I'm kinda "banned" from his room now >,<), felt a little bit rusty first but got better by and by :) ...

Impatiently yours

tisdag 16 augusti 2011

... status pending ...

Yes ... now it is done, order has been made and in a near future I will be expecting a veeeeeery big parcel.

Shin The Expecting