lördag 5 maj 2012

... trying the beta ...

... well, I finally gave up, let my curiosity rule and decided to use the beta invitation that comes with the annual pass. Partly for the new race/class and partly to see the coming features of my warlock. That was a hard decision to make though, since I think that part of the delight with new expansions are all the new features and changes, and now I kinda ruined that feeling regarding "MoP".

The first time was a chaotic laggy period with a LOT of little pandas running around, reminded me of the first weeks of Cataclysm, except without the hysterical PvP-elements with horde and alliance sharing the starting areas. I hate to admit it, as the horribly bad PvP player I am, but that spiced up the game. The monk is now lvl 12, a proud member of the Horde. Time to check out the warlock stuff.

Something I've noticed since last summer is that less and less warlocks are active, I am usually the only one in  LfR. There have been a couple of nerfs regarding warlocks during 2011 that periodically made us seem a hopeless class and I hope that in MoP we can regain some of our former glory. I guess I should probably concentrate on gearing up the other characters I have as other people seem to do, but this is my main and I refuse to put her on the shelf, so I struggle on.

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